How do you create a safe home environment for a Basenji prone to climbing and escaping?

11 June 2024

Renowned for their agility, intelligence and distinctive barkless trait, the Basenji is a unique breed of dogs that pose a fair share of challenges for pet owners. Originating from Central Africa, these small-medium size dogs are characterized by their ability to climb fences and jump high, combined with their innate curiosity. As a result, creating a safe and secure home environment for your Basenji can be a daunting task, but not an impossible one.

Understanding the Basenji breed

Before diving into the specifics of securing your home for a Basenji, it's essential to understand the breed's nature and behavior.

The Basenji is a hunting dog breed, renowned for its intelligence, athleticism, and independence. These dogs are small to medium-sized, with males standing 17 inches at the shoulder and females slightly less. Despite their size, they are deceptively strong and agile with an incredible ability to climb. Although they are often compared to cats due to their independent nature and grooming habits, Basenjis are very much a dog breed with particular needs and traits.

Basenjis are also known for their curious nature and love for exploration. These traits, coupled with their agility, can make them a handful, especially in an environment that does not cater to their needs. Your Basenji will find ways to beat boredom, and that often means finding ways to escape the confines of the home or yard. They are also known for their stubbornness, which can make training a challenge.

Training strategies for Basenjis

Effective training is a critical part of creating a safe environment for a Basenji.

Training a Basenji can be challenging due to their independent nature. They are not a breed that will blindly follow commands, but rather, they require convincing that the command is in their best interest. Using positive reinforcement and rewards is an effective method to guide their behavior.

Basenjis respond well to consistent, firm, but loving training methods. They need a lot of mental stimulation, so it's good to keep their training sessions short, frequent, and varied. They also need to learn good behavior from an early age, so early socialization and puppy training classes are beneficial.

Exercise is also crucial for this high-energy breed. They require at least an hour of exercise a day, including walks, play time, and other activities. Without this, they can become bored and potentially destructive.

Creating a secure outdoor space

A secure outdoor space is fundamental to prevent your Basenji from escaping.

Due to their climbing abilities, a standard fence may not be enough to keep a Basenji confined. Opting for higher fences with a smooth surface that doesn't provide a grip can deter them from climbing. Some owners have found success with "coyote rollers" – a rolling bar installed at the top of the fence that rolls off any attempt to climb over.

Always supervise your Basenji when they're outside, especially in the beginning. This will give you an opportunity to correct any attempts to escape and reinforce positive behavior.

Making the indoors safe and engaging

The interior of your home also needs to be Basenji-proof.

Ensuring your house is safe involves more than just hiding away anything that might be harmful if chewed or swallowed. It also includes creating an environment that meets your Basenji's physical and mental needs.

Provide plenty of toys and puzzle feeders to keep them engaged, and be sure to have plenty of play time together. Keeping your dog mentally stimulated will reduce their desire to escape and explore. If you have children, it's important that they also understand how to interact safely and respectfully with the dog.

In summary, understanding and catering to the needs and instincts of your Basenji is crucial in creating a safe and secure home environment for them. With patience, love, and the right strategies, you can ensure your Basenji is happy, stimulated, and most importantly, safe within your home. Remember, every Basenji is unique, so it's important to monitor their behavior and adjust your strategies as required.

Maintaining a Clean Home Environment

Keeping your home clean is just as crucial to the safety of your Basenji.

Residing in a tidy environment is essential for your Basenji’s health and well-being. A cluttered home can not only pose a physical threat to your curious Basenji, but it can also increase their anxiety levels. Objects left on the floor could be potential choking hazards or, if sharp, could injure your pet. A clean home is especially vital for breeds with higher energy levels, like the Basenji.

Regularly cleaning up pet hair can help avoid potential allergies and also keep your home looking fresh. Using a pet-friendly vacuum cleaner can be a practical solution for this task. If your Basenji has access to a dog park or your backyard, make sure to check their fur for ticks and fleas regularly.

For younger children in the household, teaching them to pick up after playing is vital. Not only will this prevent small toys from being chewed or swallowed, but it also helps instill a sense of responsibility towards the pet.

Balancing Apartment Living with a Basenji's Energy Levels

Adapting to apartment living with a high-energy breed like the Basenji can also be managed effectively.

Although small dogs like Basenjis are often considered better suited to apartment living, their high energy levels and prey drive can pose challenges. Remember, a tired Basenji is a good Basenji.

Providing regular exercise is fundamental to keep them from becoming restless and potentially destructive. This could mean daily trips to the dog park, long walks, or even dog sports. Basenjis are a breed that thrives on activity, so make sure you have enough time dedicated to their exercise.

If dog parks aren't an option, consider hiring a professional dog walker or investing in interactive dog toys that can provide mental stimulation. These toys not only keep them occupied but also satisfy their instinctual prey drive.

Additionally, invest in soundproofing your apartment if possible. Since Basenjis are often called the "barkless dog," they're a relatively quiet breed. However, they do make unique noises, referred to as "Basenji talk", when excited or anxious, which could potentially disturb neighbors.


Creating a safe and fulfilling environment for your Basenji is a task that requires understanding, commitment, and patience. This breed's intelligence, agility, and curiosity, combined with their high energy levels and prey drive, make them a unique challenge for any dog owner. But with the proper training, a secure outdoor space, an engaging indoor environment, a clean home, and a well-thought-out approach to apartment living, your Basenji will thrive.

Always remember, the key to successfully living with a Basenji lies in providing them with enough mental stimulation, regular exercise, and a space where their curiosity can be safely indulged. Each Basenji is unique, so stay flexible and adjust your strategies as required. That way, you'll ensure your Basenji remains happy, healthy, and, above all - safe.